Took Off Running: Voices of the Staunton-Parkersburg Turnpike




Europeans and African-Americans traveled through or landed in north central West Virginia, working on the Turnpike, the railroad, and building Weston’s massive Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum of hand-cut stone. Others worked in homes, farms and factories. Gypsies and Jesse James traveled the Pike. Cultures united and collided. Slaves worked in local inns and as secretive conductors on the Underground Railroad to freedom.

Witness the drama of human courage as immigrants and slaves struggled to free themselves, assisted by brave allies. Climb up and downstairs to glimpse the impressive architecture and inside life of Parkersburg’s finest homes, through the lens of black and white experience. And dance to the rhythm of some of West Virginia’s best homemade music.

Irish and Italians


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